Fresh NZ Snapper Longline Whole Fish 500g-1kg (Cleaned)
Caught in the coastal waters of New Zealand, Snapper is best known as the most versatile seafood amongst chefs. It provides excellent lean protein and white meat that has a distinct sweetness. Intriguing enough, the mild white meat does not have a fishy flavour.
Available year-round, this goes well with crumbs on skillets and even better when steamed. If you're looking to surprise your tastebuds, Snapper is the answer.
Longline fishing uses baited hooks along a line that only corrals targeted fish while purse seine fishing uses a net that risks collecting non-targeted fish. Fishes caught in longlines have a whiter flesh and gives a firmer fillet due to minimal damage to the fish. Chefs and fish experts have both agreed that line-caught fish has a much higher quality.
Snapper comes:
- Fresh
- Whole Fish
- Head on, scaled and gutted
- 500g-1kg weight based on weight before the fish is cleaned
- Product of New Zealand