Fresh Whole Purple Rock Cod (2 for 1)
** 2 for 1 offer: Get 2 fish for one low price **
This delicious fish is very hard to find and you might only see this available once every few years. Support sustainable Australian aquaculture and reward yourself with an unforgettable dining experience at the same time.
The Purple rock cod also known as "Speckled blue grouper" and "Cattle dog cod". They actually do not fall under the cod family but is more closely connected to the grouper family.
The flesh of purple rock cod is firm, flaky and delicious with just the right amount of oiliness. Among all the cod, this is one of the best to eat. It is a versatile fish that can be grilled, deep-fried, steamed, or poached. These fish are excellent eating since their flesh comes in big flakes with few bones and come with skin that has a delicious texture whether grilled or steamed.
Purple Rockcod Comes:
- Fresh
- 2 fish for one price (approx. 1kg)
- Gutted and cleaned
- Sustainably farmed in Australia